Movie: Kinsey

2004 Fox Searchlight
Liam Neeson as Alfred Kinsey
Laura Linney as Clara Kinsey
Peter Sarsgaard as Clyde Martin
John Lithgow as Kinsey's father
Bill Condon, Director
for more info, go to
I watched the movie Kinsey today. It is not for the ultra-conservative viewer as there are "sexually deviant" acts portrayed in the film and frontal nudity for Peter Sarsgaard. I won't go into the definition of deviancy, since I am not a psychologist.
It's just that in 1948, an entomologist by the name of Alfred Kinsey (PRAK, as his wife and students fondly called him) managed to create a major impact on psychology and culture by publishing the book "The Sexual Behavior of the Human Male." Although many have been written about Kinsey and how emotionally unwell he was, he shook things up and managed to delve into a taboo subject at the time. Actually, it is still taboo to talk of "such things" even here in the Philippines in these "modern times."
Some parents just do NOT discuss sex with their children. So children turn to other sources of info: the internet (mostly porn), library (scientific), friends (still more porn). But that is another story altogether... :)
I don't pass judgment on Kinsey. Goodness knows, plenty of people have. But looking back, he sort of opened the bedroom door and tapped psychologists' shoulders on the issue of sexuality. Although Kinsey's research methods were questionable to say the least, his lapses have prompted other researchers in this field to improve their own methods.
It was an eye-opening movie. Gives credit to Kinsey for what he has done and portrays a scientist who's also human, with many many failings.
Memorable lines:
Kinsey narrates about where to draw the line between science and love. And that he wouldn't know how to make a scientific inquiry into love because it cannot be measured. Or something to that effect. Cheesy, but it got me :)
Personal Note:
We sort of breezed through Kinsey in College Psychology. I think I am more of a Masters & Johnson fan. Now that would also make a nice movie he he... Wonder who would do another full frontal for that one :D
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