Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Viva Hot Consultant!

The government has named Viva Entertainment boss Vic del Rosario as Presidential Consultant (no, not Adviser pu-leaaaaaaaase!) on the Entertainment Industry. De Rosario shall help the government in addressing piracy and advancing the cause of good quality entertainment. I concur with the anti-piracy aspect, since Viva does produce and is a licensee of foreign films. But the good quality entertainment part is a bit hazy. I mean, we all know that Del Rosario is the brains behind the Viva Hot Babes and Viva Hot Men. By their names alone, you would only have to have a small iota of gray matter to say, "what the &%@#$!!!!"

And when Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita was asked my media, if he knew of the Hot Babe/Men-Del Rosario connection, he said "NO." Uhh, ok and he's supposed to be the Executive Secretary for crying out loud!


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