Da Dogg
Yup, we have a walking flea magnet in the house. Actually, she is the lady of the house. She owns us and she knows it. Her name is Evita. When we call out "EVITAH!" she knows she did something that made the humans in the house cross. Dogspeak translation, "Get your fat ass HERE NOW." Hehe.
"Aren't I cute?"
Posted by Hello
If we call her "Bingbingggggg," she really takes her sweet time getting her fat bum off her favorite couch. Dogspeak translation, "Come over here you cutie pooh, mummy's gonna huggie huggie you and kishy kishy you." To which she probably reacts with, "Arrrgghhh, not again..."
Evita or Bingbing
Posted by Hello
Uy..kaluoy....pud sa doggie...
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