Sunday, May 29, 2005

Movie: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

I was expecting high emotions and superb special effects before going to see this installment. I got the effects but the emotions were a letdown. The actors were so wooden (Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, even good ol' Samuel Jackson's acting was so-so). Natalie had nice lines but I think her costumes weighed her down too much so she was also acting a bit mechanically.

I was expecting a very emotional movie because, well, of course, this would be the time that Anakin has allowed himself to be seduced in joining the Dark Side. I think Palpatine was great as a seducer. Ewan McGregor was less wooden than the others but he just couldn't lift Hayden's acting level especially in their last fight scene where Anakin's body is burning. I wish Hayden had Elijah Wood's depth :) However, Elijah has been acting for ages so I guess Hayden could actually improve in a decade or so.

I don't think Anakin's characterization was well-developed. I couldn't see his passion for Padme in this movie so I can't relate how he would have equated love with extreme fear of losing Padme in childbirth.

Yoda, on the other hand, was THE man.. After all, he was the only jedi master who "felt" that they were being betrayed by Palpatine/Lord Sith so he was able to cheat death.

Since I am looking at emotions here, I think the two scenes that nearly moved me were when Padme said something like "Anakin, you're breaking my heart. I'll never stop loving you, but you are going down a path I can't follow."

Then there's this line that Obi Wan says to Anakin in this final battle, "I have failed you Anakin".. or something to that effect..

There's also a line that Padme says when Palpatine declares a galactic empire that's so sad, "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

That's my two cents' worth, folks. Don't take it too seriously. I certainly don't :)


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