Friday, October 07, 2005

Seize the Moment

I usually don't. Probably it's the Libra in me, probably it's the decades of self-restraint. Or religion. Or good sense.

But when you want to tell someone that you love them, I think you just have to do it. Whether they be your mother, father, sister, brother, best friend, lover...

If you love someone, just say it. Right then, say it out loud. Lest the moment passes. Penge tissue, *sniff sniff*


At Saturday, October 08, 2005 1:17:00 PM, Blogger Al said...

Yo you gotta delete all this spam, it's fugly.

Im always hesitant to tell someone I love them because most people mistake live for attachment in this day and age. If I love someone, that doesen't mean they're mine, or that I should be all tore up inside if they leave or pass away. I love people now, in the moment. It's tough to find a woman who can see past her emotional attachment, but goddamn there must be one somewhere.

Sorry bout the dog, but get another one, before you know you'll have forgotten all about the dead one.


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