Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
I grew up on Sesame Street and The Electric Company, as well as the Funky Phantom he he.. I spend many a Saturday morning glued to the TV and managed to learn English that way :))
I still love cartoons. I think that adults who say cartoons are so juvenile are sad adults with no imagination or curiousity left in their bones.
I love this series on the Cartoon Network called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. It was created by Crag McCracken (creator of The Powerpuff Girls).
The premise revolves on an 8-year-old boy Mac and his imaginary friend Bloo.

His mother thinks that he is too old to have an imaginary friend and has to give Bloo up. So Mac brings him to Foster's. There, Bloo or Blooregard Q. Kazoo (voice: Keith Ferguson who does voiceovers for games)

meets other imaginary friends like himself, the violet monster Eduardo (voice: Tom Kenny who does Spongebob Squarepants) who's scared of anything that moves,

Mr. Herriman the rabbit (voice: Tom Kane who did the voice for Yoda in the Revenge of the Sith),

Wilt who is the most optimistic of all friends despite things he's been through and

Coco (voice: Candi Milo, Dexter's Lab) who only mutters "coco" in different tones. My personal favorites are Bloo (of course!) and Eduardo.

Now, Mac has to visit Bloo everyday at Foster's otherwise Bloo might get adopted when he fails to show.
The show is funny, it doesn't use derogatory words like pipsqueak etc. And even has philosophical undertones when you think about it. Basta you have to watch it to believe.
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