Friday, July 08, 2005


Frenzy doesn't even come close to describing the number of press conferences held today.

Seems like all of them are calling for PGMA to resign (the Liberal Party, the influential Makati Business Club, ex-cabinet secretaries).

Sad thing is, if they do get to boot her (whether through impeachment or she herself resigns), who's going to lead us? Not Erap, not Susan, not Lacson, not any FVR/JDV-backed dummy...

Also, there are reforms to the (rotten) institutions that need to be addressed too. It's not just a question of changing the person holding the reins, kailangang palitan na rin ang karuwahe at kabayo.

Wonder what Cory and the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Phils. (CBCP) will say...


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