Thursday, June 30, 2005

Why I Haven't Seen "War of the Worlds"

I admire Steven Spielberg a lot, as a person and as producer/director/writer but I haven't seen the movie "War of the Worlds."

It's because Tom Cruise doesn't sit on my favorites list. Well, I don't usually base my movie-watching activities on whether I like actors or not. Think "Seven," I watched it and I wasn't into Brad Pitt nor Gwyneth Paltrow (at the time).

I was never really into Tom Cruise, he never "had me at hello," I never really fell for his boyish looks in all of his movies. I'd probably choose Brad Pitt over him in a snap. Not because I got turned off by his war of words with Brooke Shields, after all, he is entitled to his own bouts of know-it-all-ness ("I know the history of psychiatry"). Not because there were and still ARE persistent rumors that he is GAY, being gay doesn't factor into how I choose my favorite actors. Not because of his alleged hyped-up romance with Katie Holmes, who's 20 or so years younger than him (goodness knows, theirs is not the only weird coupling out there!). Not because I think he actually IS on mind-altering drugs (proof are his actions of late).

It's just that his acting seemed to lack depth and always looked contrived. Heck, Bernie Mac is more sincere. Probably why he hasn't gotten an Oscar... He's just a pretty boy with the chiclets smile. They say he's the highest paid actor to date, I pray someone tell him to improve and give the moviegoing public value for their hard earned money!!

Also, my friends who have seen the movie are raving about the fx but contend that this movie won't be on their personal list of favorite movies of all time. The only notable actor in the film is (whaddaya expect?) Dakota Fanning.

Well, perhaps I will drag my lazy behind to the cineplex one of these days. But for now, I'm content with my friends' two cents on this one.

Note to self: watch "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" soon.

PS. pinyapol says Cruise looks like he has no character... Ouch!


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