Sunday, May 29, 2005


If I do decide to have kids in the future he he, it would be nice to have a baby girl to fuss over and dress up. I wish they won't have to grow up, though. Selfish ko no? :)

Ems' daughters Nicole and Kate got haircuts but Kate is still so girly girl in the picture below...

fashionista Kate Posted by Hello

Movie: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

I was expecting high emotions and superb special effects before going to see this installment. I got the effects but the emotions were a letdown. The actors were so wooden (Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, even good ol' Samuel Jackson's acting was so-so). Natalie had nice lines but I think her costumes weighed her down too much so she was also acting a bit mechanically.

I was expecting a very emotional movie because, well, of course, this would be the time that Anakin has allowed himself to be seduced in joining the Dark Side. I think Palpatine was great as a seducer. Ewan McGregor was less wooden than the others but he just couldn't lift Hayden's acting level especially in their last fight scene where Anakin's body is burning. I wish Hayden had Elijah Wood's depth :) However, Elijah has been acting for ages so I guess Hayden could actually improve in a decade or so.

I don't think Anakin's characterization was well-developed. I couldn't see his passion for Padme in this movie so I can't relate how he would have equated love with extreme fear of losing Padme in childbirth.

Yoda, on the other hand, was THE man.. After all, he was the only jedi master who "felt" that they were being betrayed by Palpatine/Lord Sith so he was able to cheat death.

Since I am looking at emotions here, I think the two scenes that nearly moved me were when Padme said something like "Anakin, you're breaking my heart. I'll never stop loving you, but you are going down a path I can't follow."

Then there's this line that Obi Wan says to Anakin in this final battle, "I have failed you Anakin".. or something to that effect..

There's also a line that Padme says when Palpatine declares a galactic empire that's so sad, "So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

That's my two cents' worth, folks. Don't take it too seriously. I certainly don't :)

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Bonding Time

While the big kids (Nicole, Miguel, Moira, Josie, Pachee, Jun, Leng, and me) were playing Taboo, it was bonding time for Kate and Ems...

Ems and Kate: bonding time Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Dance White Boy, Dance

Somebody forwarded this site to me....

It is what it is... :)

Check it out at The site also has resources that make you say "Wow! Glad I learnt that!"

A Book Smart Wins!

Yep, the Donald chose Kendra as his newest Apprentice, despite her previous crying fit. She has chosen to manage a project in Palm Beach, which came as no surprise since she is after all a real estate manager from Florida.

Tana, on the other hand, wanted to manage the Miss Universe organization. Thank goodness the Donald didn't choose her he he...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Viva Hot Consultant!

The government has named Viva Entertainment boss Vic del Rosario as Presidential Consultant (no, not Adviser pu-leaaaaaaaase!) on the Entertainment Industry. De Rosario shall help the government in addressing piracy and advancing the cause of good quality entertainment. I concur with the anti-piracy aspect, since Viva does produce and is a licensee of foreign films. But the good quality entertainment part is a bit hazy. I mean, we all know that Del Rosario is the brains behind the Viva Hot Babes and Viva Hot Men. By their names alone, you would only have to have a small iota of gray matter to say, "what the &%@#$!!!!"

And when Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita was asked my media, if he knew of the Hot Babe/Men-Del Rosario connection, he said "NO." Uhh, ok and he's supposed to be the Executive Secretary for crying out loud!

Baby Teddy Charming

I was surprised when Ems sent me an MMS of baby Teddy. He's just about 2months old but he sure turn on his charm when he wants to he he..

baby Teddy Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

Reality TV Crazy

I think this is a good year for reality TV...

Yep, I am a reality TV addict. Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Apprentice... I love them. I even watch Temptation Island and the Bachelorette just so I could ogle at them boys with the buffed bods.

Tom Westman has won a million bucks for Survivor: Palau while Uchenna and Joyce have already won the Amazing Race, edging out Rob and Amber (yep, the couple from Survivor).

I think Tom played the game well. He took on the leadership role for Koror early on in the game and Koror basically wiped out the other team, Ulong. Tom also dominated the immunity challenges. He was coaxing, threatening at times but, yep, it's a game and he definitely earned the million bucks. I also think that it was cool having a 40-something dude kick @ss.

Uchenna and Joyce also played well. I think I know what makes a good relationship tick. I have seen it on this couple and on Chip and Kim (last season's winner). It's that when one of the partners get mad, the other one lets him be. You can't beat fire with fire but you can withhold oxygen :)

Their win also shows cosmic circularity or karma. I mean, what you give to the universe goes back to you tenfold :)

Rob and Amber were quite dominant but I think they should have been featured in a Celebrity (or Semi-Celebrity, in their case) Amazing Race.

While on The Apprentice, it's Book Smart (Kendra) vs. Street Smart (Tana). Hmmm... I think Kendra is going to win. Tana is experienced and worldwise but she has a habit of being condescending. Well, it's really up to the Donald to decide!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Star Wars

People are going crazy over Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith. Personally, I haven't decided yet if I want to join the bandwagon or not. I did go nuts over The Lord of the Rings and was semi-nuts on Harry Potter.

I think I shall fence-sit on this one.

Oh yeah, my phone's true tone for the week: Star Wars Theme (just for kicks). Next week I will probably change it to Yoda's giggle. Heehee hee heeheee... (giggle a la Yoda).

But I think Ewan McGregor has done justice to the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I think Sir Alec Guinness would have approved.

Thursday, May 12, 2005


I'm a technical writer by profession so people think I hardly work. But I do get stressed out a lot at work. I mean, I deal with sentence structure and grammar issues camouflaged in technical jargon so things get a bit ugly at times :D

So don't you be surprised to find me in my sour-than-usual moods sometimes.

My friend Ems forwarded the things that stressed women say at work.

1. Okay, okay! I take it back. Unf*ck you.
2. You say I'm a b*tch like it's a bad thing.
3. Well this day was a total waste of make up
4. Well, aren't we a damn ray of sunshine?
5. Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after.
6. Do I look like a people person?
7. This isn't an office. It's hell with fluorescent lighting.
8. I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
9. Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose.
10. Why don't you try practicing random acts of intelligence and senseless acts of self-control?
11. I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years.
12. Sarcasm is just one more service I offer.
13. Do they ever shut up on your planet?
14. I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable.
15. Stress is what you have when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't gone to sleep yet.
16. Back off!! You're standing in my aura.
17. Don't worry, I forgot your name too.
18. I work 45 hours a week to be this poor.
19. Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.
20. Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
21. Chaos, panic and work here is done.
22. Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.
23. You look like shit. Is that the style now?
24. Earth is full. Go home.
25. Aw, did I step on your poor little itty bitty ego?
26. I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert.
27. A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth.
28. You are depriving some village of an idiot.
29. If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport.
30. Look in my you see one ounce of gives-a-sh*t?

Hey wait, sometimes I say some of the things above even when I am in a GOOD mood. :D

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mothers' Day!

Happy Mothers' Day to mi mama, friends' mothers and my relatives who are mothers themselves. Mothers become so either by giving birth or by giving life to others.

God bless all mothers!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Feeling Like A Dickhead?

Do you feel that you're a dickhead? Do other people think so?

If want to be sure, try this test!

Monday, May 02, 2005

My Other Blog

You all know by now that I like songs and I have created a blog where I can list the songs (and lyrics) that I like.

My ringtones are a testament to my affinity to certain songs in different points of my (ho-hum) life.

To get an idea, click here to view my other blog.